Friday, November 29, 2013

Healthy, Vegan & Paleo Chocolate Cake Truffles Allergy Free Baking

Chocolate Cake Truffles

     Just a quick little post here for you all on this busy and crazy Black Friday. I hope you all had a wonderful (emphasis on the full : ) Thanksgiving full of light, gratitude and of course chocolate! I made something a little special I wanted to share with you all, Chocolate Cake Truffles! It was also beautiful sister's 18th birthday yesterday and of course I had to make her some special truffles.
My bombshell blonde beauty sister...

...and her OCD face!

    Needless to say a chocolate and sweet obsession runs in the family. I'm not ready to release the recipe just yet; a few tweaks need to be smoothed out, however when they it is it will also be half the fat and calories of any other truffle I have made. Yes, you can have your cake and eat it too and not feel as guilty after that Thanksgiving meal. These truffles will be featured in the Black Friday sale at and Estudio hot yoga Slingerlands grand opening that I will be vending at this coming Monday (12/2)! Such a crazy and fun-filled truffling weekend ahead. So I want to know before you go, either a) what are you grateful for this holiday season? or b) what do you think of Black Friday shopping?
Can't wait to hear from you! : )

Monday, November 25, 2013

Vanilla Bean Dream Cream-Healthy White Chocolate Cream

Dreamy, Creamy, Vanilla-Beany

Heavenly Vanilla

    Yes, this is a blog about chocolate, but White Chocolate decided to take center stage today. I made the mistake of looking at the baking display whilst (such a fun word, no?) I was shopping the other day and spied Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla beans and extract as well as a can of coconut cream. All I could think of was white chocolate and truffling possibilities. I affectionately call creating truffles, truffling. (Psst check out the truffle website here:

A Match Made In Heaven!
    While I don't recommend this recipe for truffles; I do recommend it for just about anything else that you can put cream or chocolate into. Use it as a topping, chill it and make a bar or chip out of it, put a dollop in your coffee, eat the entire bowl with a spoon....  When my mom sampled it she had a look on her face like she had just entered bliss.

The Dream Team

  • 1 can coconut cream (I used Trader's Joes Brand)
  • 2 teaspoons Madagascar Bourbon Vanillia extract
  • 1 Madagascar Bourbon Vanillia Bean
  • 1/2 cup Cocoa Butter
  • 1/4 Maple Syrup or Agave (the darker the grade the better)
  • 1/4 butter extract
  • 1/4 Stevia in the Raw or Organic Powdered Sugar or a few drops of liquid Stevia
  • 1/4 cup soymilk powder
  • pinch of salt
    Bust open that can of coconut cream and scraping off the top and sides. You can save the coconut water at the bottom for a smoothie or you can throw it out. Melt your cocoa butter and add in your beans by slicing the bean down the middle and scraping them out, they look like dust and flick those babies right into your mixture. Add in your other ingredients and stir well by hand, blender, or food processor. If you want a more chip or bar like consistency, freeze the mixture for at least 2-3 hours, or refrigerate and whip in a blender or food processor to create a more whip-cream like consistency. Enjoy!

OCD Poll:

    Where are all of my OCDer's at? I want to hear from you! First question for the new OCD truffle blog: What is your favorite kind of truffle or what truffle would you most like to see? Respond here and the winning recipe may be featured in the next blog post. I may turn this into a contest...stay tuned!